Arya Darmaputra on why Christians should have a budget.
Unlike the majority of financial planners whose focus is just on maximising wealth, our main goal is for you to be wise stewards of the finances that God has entrusted you. Practically this means that when we come up with short-, medium-, and long-term priorities and strategies, we will also consider their impact on your desire for the Kingdom and your generosity.
By budgeting and planning out your income, expenses, savings and debt you will find freedom from financial stress and worry.
Our planning calculators provide you with insight on your cash flow, assets, loans and retirement needs for ever year throughout your entire life.
We will help you create a budget with both present and future needs in mind (whatever that may be) so you are liberated to live generously for Christ.
Our tools and calculators will clearly display whether you are living in accordance with your priorities. In other words, whether you ensure your priorities are funded ahead of items which are less of a priority.
We will then assist you with any adjustments in your budget that may be required, and answer any questions you may have in regards to practical stewardship, such as:
Should I pay off my mortgage or put surplus funds into my super?
What does generous giving look like given my current income?
What do I need to do to retire in 20 years? Buy a car in 2 years? Buy a house in 5 years? - and still be generous to God.