ARYA DARMAPUTRA is our Director of Outreach & Planning
KEVIN HINES is our Director of Stewardship & Strategy
Watch our discussion on Christian stewardship with Dominic Steele of The Pastor's Heart.
Read Five Spiritual Lessons in Economically Challenging Times and Cost of LIving Crisis a Huge Challenge for Services - two articles published in Anglican Media and the Southern Cross magazine.
Listen to Talking to Kids About the Budget - an interview with Ben McEachen on Hope 103.2 FM Sydney.
To witness church communities grow and expand the Kingdom of God with their members supporting them by living out godly stewardship.
To equip his people for works of service (Eph. 4:12).
Kevin Hines has been actively serving in church lay leadership roles for over 20 years and is currently a church warden at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Campbelltown. He is a certified financial adviser working for a prominent financial services firm in Sydney. Kevin has extensive experience in budgeting, investments, taxation, corporate and trust planning and strategies. He has created budgeting tools for churches and financial literacy workshops specifically for church members.
Arya Darmaputra has been serving as the Honorary Treasurer of St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Campbelltown since 2013. Arya has been actively serving in numerous churches since his youth. He has extensive experience in business development within financial services in Australia, and assisting small enterprises in Indonesia with business plans and micro-credit proposals. Arya has successfully led campaigns and strategies to build members’ awareness towards resourcing the church.
We have a common goal in seeing churches develop and cultivate a culture of Christian stewardship for their members.
Our partnership began in 2016 when Kevin Hines served in Parish Council and Arya served as the Honorary Treasurer of St. Peter’s Anglican Church Campbelltown. Our council at the time had a desire to see our church grow in its ministry and impact. By analysing our offertory, we discovered that our members’ giving in proportion to the area’s income was less than generous.
We both planned and led a strategy to increase the resourcing of our church by encouraging members to be good stewards of the resources that God has entrusted them. The approach we took was ministering to their need of practical financial stewardship skills and not fundraising, the generosity of members increased dramatically.
Within 18 months:
We set up Matt621 Pty Ltd in 2018 as we are confident that other churches will benefit from our experience and the systems and tools that we have developed. Our company name is inspired by the verse where Jesus teaches about treasuring things that have eternal value. Our trading name Thesauros is the Greek word for “treasure” in that verse.
When should I use your services?
Your members will always benefit from our financial literacy workshops. Our workshops can be tailored as part of a church retreat/outing or as a standalone session. They can be tailored to meet the needs of certain demographics (senior, mature, young adults, families and youth) if required.
However if you would like to achieve a more holistic culture of stewardship, we recommend the THESAUROS Pathway which is aimed at a stewardship ministry strategy that engages with your church leadership, small group leaders and your membership at large.
We can also advise churches when they embark on fund-raising endeavours or when they need advice on communication strategies to encourage generosity. Churches also consult with us when they see a growth in membership, but offertory growing at a slower pace.
If you or your church treasurer need an easy-to-use budgeting tool, we can design one especially for you. Our budgeting tool allows for “what-if” projections to work out how different scenarios will impact your cash flow and bottom line.
How much will it cost me?
Your initial consultation over the phone or by video conference technology is free of charge. At this meeting we will gather as much information as possible from you for us to investigate and recommend solutions.
Our THESAUROS Pathway is packaged to provide you the key building blocks in establishing a culture of stewardshp in your church within 12 months, then enriching it in the following years. The cost for the first year is $1,400+GST and the following years is $1,000+GST every year (additional travel costs apply).
We are confident that this is a modest investment compared to the growth of generosity that will come about as a result, and more importantly the growth in discipleship of your members.
Pricing for our other products are available upon request.
What is your track record?
Besides the example at our local church above, over 20 local churches have partnered with us over our short history and we have seen churches increase their capacity and ministry as a result of their members living out wise and Godly stewardship. And more importantly their members now enjoy true financial freedom and true financial joy as Christian stewards.
We are confident the systems and tools that we have developed can be replicated in other churches, obviously tailored to your unique situation.
We, Arya Darmaputra and Kevin Hines, directors of Matt621 Pty Ltd (ABN 25 629 593 924) known as Thesauros Consulting (‘the company’) acknowledge that we need to walk the walk as we talk the talk in equipping churches and Christians in stewardship.
In doing this, we commit our own families’ finances and the finances of Thesauros Consulting to God’s Kingdom, for Christ’s glory and his purposes.
Practically this means: